Animal Mystery

1. Introduction

This game is very helpful to practice words and phrases related to animals. While knowing animal words is great, it's not really useful in everyday life. So I wanted to make a game with animals that is more constructive and really practice making phrases. At the same time, I want to create a game that can practice basic verb question forms like 'how many', 'is it', 'can it'... Animals and guessing animals provide a vocabulary the context in which the use of these phrasal verbs can mean. The general idea is that you have to guess the mysterious animal. To do that, you must narrow down the possible choices by asking questions that will hopefully provide context and meaning to the question phrases.

The object of the game is to guess eight hidden animals given, one by one, behind a question mark. Animals can be shown above the mystery box and removed when questions are asked. User can guess what animal it could be at any time by putting a phrase I guess.....

Some entries may be a bit vague or weird; It is quite difficult to think of enough forms that can be used to describe a wide range of animals. This is why there are questions about dragons eating meat and other such things which may not be immediately obvious. Also, apologies if any of the answers are wrong or possibly wrong - dolphins eating fish etc.

I hope that this game can be useful to form questions with the combination of question words and adverbs. At the same time, hopefully it will re-enforce the meaning of forms through practicing them in context. While animal vocabulary may not be the most useful for everyday life, building basic question types is more applicable.

This game will work on mobiles and tablets but please leave a comment if it doesn't work. And feel free to leave any comments what you think or if anything can be improved

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