This is a game to practice English sentence formation. You choose a set of content to play, then make sentences by clicking on the word bubble. As you make sentences, the bubbles disappear and slowly the board is cleared.
Simply forming sentences, which can be helpful in some respects, can be criticized for being dry and lacking in context. The issue is whether a player is really learning much or absorbing the language if they are just forming sentences abstractly. I think language acquisition really needs a meaningful context into which the language can be attached. If you take the phrase example, He is turning on the TV. If you can get learners to practice this sentence, it can be helpful to re-enforce the grammar and also the turning on with 'TV'. However, it would be much more helpful if learners could practice sentence formation while also being presented with an image that suggests a meaning or idea of a guy with the TV on. When a player puts sentences in the right context, language is linked to meaning and language acquisition is much more effective. With this in mind, this game displays an image and asks the player to make a correct sentence that matches the meaning shown in the picture.
Forming sentences the right way, getting the correct verb forms, etc., can be quite difficult. To make it somewhat easier, this game provides feedback to guide the player. When the bubble is clicked, the generated sentence will show up at the bottom of the screen. When making small mistakes, such as missing words or wrong word order, red marks appear at the bottom to indicate this and show the player how to change the sentence form. Larger errors, such as wrong verbs or first words, are also highlighted. Although, it is difficult to give an exact fix for such mistakes and so these mistakes are simply underlined in red.
You click the bubble to select a word, click again to deselect a word, and you even click and drag your mouse over the bubble to select it faster. When selecting bubbles, you can only select adjacent bubbles - as that's how this kind of game works - and to help with this, the bubbles can be highlighted in yellow.
There are several modes to play. Normal mode can be quite complicated and so an easy mode is also possible. Easy mode fades all bubbles except the ones you have to select. Then you just need to select the remaining bubbles in the correct order. Hints can also be obtained by clicking the hint button. When you do this, the game will draw a line showing the correct answer. This shows up once at the start, to instruct the player how to play the game.
The game doesn't score the way other games do, but it does keep track of the time it takes to complete a set of content. Finally, a high scoreboard is displayed and the players who complete a set the fastest are shown at the top.
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