This is a new version of the offline Grammar Bubbles game from about 10 years ago. This version is simpler and more visually appealing. It is also more focused on specific grammar points and has a more complex level structure.
This is a game for practicing simple English grammar structures. To play the game, you just have to click on the words to make grammatically correct phrases. For example, 'He eats apples' would be a correct sentence to make; whereas, 'He eat apples' would be a mistake. If you make correct sentences, you get more points, but if you make mistakes, then you lose points.
There are 3 images shown at the side of the screen. If you can make a sentence including these images, then you get more points. To complete eat stage, you have to make sentences with each image.
Stages with similar grammar points are grouped together into maps of about 10 stages. To complete the game, you have to finish each stage in a map. At the end of each stage, the map will display showing your current progress.
The grammar points covered in this game are as follows.
Map Three focuses on plurals and particles.
The game aims to help you with grammar, making you more interested in learning grammar.
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