Adverbs show manner and degree

Adverbs are divided into many types, including degree adverbs. So, what is the role of the adverb of degree (Grade) in English in a sentence? How to use them? Which degree adverbs are widely used and common? Let Englook answer your questions.

1. Concepts

Adverbs of manner is used to describe how an action is performed.

This type of adverb is often used to modify verbs.

For example:

  • Mandy drives carefully.
    → Adverb carefully modifies verbs drives.
  • John plays the piano beautifully.
    → Adverb beautifully modifies verbs plays.

2. Position of adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner usually modifies verbs and it can appear in the following positions:

  • After the verb and if the verb has an object, then after the object (most common):
    • He doesn't know how to write properly. → comes after the verb write
    • He doesn't know how to speak Korean properly. → comes after the object Korean
  • Before the verb, if the object is long or you want to draw attention to the adverb:
    • He slowly drove his newly bought car to her house. → stands in the middle of the subjec the and verbs drove
    • Things are slowly getting better.
      Attention: slowly stand before getting but comes after the auxiliary verbare.
  • Before subject:
    • Slowly things began to improve. → comes before the subject things

Note: Some adverbs well, badly, hard, fast always comes after the predicate

Adverbs show manner and degree

He did the testwell.

3. Adverb of manner "so"

There are countless ways to describe the manner of an action. But we have a special adverb of manner: so, meaning "like that, thus":

  • Did he tell you so? (he told you so has?)
  • They asked me to call them and I did so. (They told me to call them and I did So.)
  • I don't think so. (I do not think So.)
Adverbs show manner and degree

They asked me to call them and I didso

4. How to ask questions about how

To ask questions about the manner of a certain action, we can use an interrogative adverb how:

  • How does John play the piano?

    → John plays the piano beautifully.

  • How did he do the test?

    → He did the test well.

Adverbs show manner and degree

John plays the piano beautifully

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