
How are the English articles "A, An, The" used? How to distinguish and use articles correctly? It can be seen that articles are one of the basic English grammar and quite easy to learn. However, that is also the reason why many users are subjective and uncertain about the information, leading to confusion. In the article below, Englook will help you grasp the knowledge of types of articles and how to use them.

1. Concepts

- Article is the word that comes before a noun and indicates whether the noun refers to a definite or unspecified object. We use 'The' when a noun refers to an object/thing that is clearly known to both the speaker and listener. On the contrary, when the speaker refers to a general or undetermined object, we use the Indefinite Articles A, An.

2. Classification of articles

There are 2 main types of "Most Common" Articles in English:

  • Indefinite article: A / An
  • Definite article: The


2.1. Indefinite article

– There are two indefinite article: “a" and "an+ a (one): Stand first noun count singular numbers that begin with a consonant. For example: a book (a book), a pen (a pen).+ an (one): Standing in front noun count singular numbers that begin with a vowel or silent sound. In English there are 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

For example:

  • an apple, an egg, …
  • an hour (an hour), an honor (an honor), … [h is silent]


Note: There are letters written as vowels but read as consonants and vice versa. Therefore, you need to rely on the pronunciation of the letter at the beginning of the noun to choose "a" or "an

Walletdyes:  a university (“u” is pronounced /ju/)

Usage of the indefinite article

  • Use a/ an when mentioning something for the first time.
    • I have bought a new dress. It is blue.
  • Use a/ an when talking about someone's occupation.
    • He is a teacher.


2.2. Definite article

- Reading convention: The definite article “the” has 2 readings:

+ /Ბә/ when before a noun that begins with a consonant and the noun begins with a vowel but can be read with a consonant.

For example:

  • the person, the house,

  • the university, the Europeans….

+ /Ბi/ when standing in front noun starting with vowels (u, e, o, a, i) and noun begins with a silent sound.

For example:

  • the eye, the other.

  • the hour, the honor…

- Using: Use the definite article “the” when:

  • Talk about an object, person or event that is known to both the speaker and listener.
    • The girl standing over there is my sister.


  • Just unique things.
    • The sun, the earth, the moon.

  • Just one object is used to symbolize the entire species.

    • The giraffe is a friendly animal.

  • Used in superlative comparative structures.

    • She is the best student in my class.


  • Talk about playing a musical instrument.
    • He likes playing the guitar.

  • Before one adjective used as noun refers to a class of people and usually has a plural meaning.
    • The rich should help the poor.

  • Before noun The plural only refers to husband and wife or the whole family.

    • The Smiths are having holiday in Paris.


  • Before names: mountain ranges, rivers, archipelagos, bays, seas, oceans, names of books, newspapers and ships.
    • The Thames (Thames River), the Times (Times newspaper),..

  • Before nouns about ethnic groups and sects to indicate groups.

    • The Vietnamese (Vietnamese people), the Swiss (Swiss people), ..


- Cases where the article “the” is NOT used

  • Beforenounplural in general.

    • Books are true friends.
  • Beforenounabstract with a general meaning.

    • Time is gold
    • I often have dinner at 7:00 p.m.

  • Before sports, games and subjects.

    • English is my favorite subject.

  • Beforenounonly the names of lakes, mountain peaks, mainland, and most specific streets bear specific names.
    • Hoan Kiem lake (Hoan Kiem lake), mount Everest (mount Everest), ..

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