Relative clauses are a part of grammar that is used a lot in speaking and writing. They help make sentences clearer and easier to understand. In many cases, to make sentences less verbose, people shorten some components in the subordinate clauses of the sentence. This grammar is a very common type of exercise in all English exams, especially if you want to get a high score after practicing for the TOEIC exam, you should study relative clauses carefully.
- If the relative pronoun functions as the object in the relative clause
⇒ Omit the relative pronoun, and if there is a preposition before the relative pronoun, invert the preposition to the end of the relative clause:
→ It's the best movie I have ever seen.
- In the relative clause "that I have ever seen", that plays the role of the object of have seen. So we can shorten relative clauses by omission that.
→ I saw the girl you talked to yesterday.
- In the relative clause "whom you talked to yesterday", whom plays the role of the object of talked to. So we can shorten the relative clause by omitting whom.
→ The knife you cut the cake with was really sharp.
- In the relative clause "with which you cut the cake", which plays the role of the object of with. So we can shorten relative clauses by omission which, and invert the preposition with towards the end of the relative clause.
I saw the girl you talked to yesterday.
We can shorten by V-ing in case the verb of the relative clause is in form proactive, meaning the subject performs an action.
To shorten a relative clause, we omit the relative pronoun and the auxiliary verb to be (if there is one), then change the main word movement to V-ing form.
For example:
→ The woman teaching English at his school is Ms. Smith.
Short way:
Omit relative pronouns who + Remove auxiliary verb to be (this sentence does not exist) + Verb from the main word teaches wall teaching.
→ The girl smilling at you is John's daughter.
Short way:
Omit relative pronouns who + Remove auxiliary verb was + Motion from the main word smiling wall smiling.
→ Students not talking the test on Monday will have a chance to retake it next Friday.
Short way:
The woman teaching English at his school is Ms. Smith.
Special case 1: if after shortening the verb becomes being then we can omit it being always.
For example:
The man who was in charge of this department has just resigned.
→ The man being in charge of this department has just resigned.
→ The man in charge of this department has just resigned.
Her husband, who is a famous Canadian actor, used to be a teacher.
→ Her husband, being a famous Canadian actor, used to be a teacher.
→ Her husband, a famous Canadian actor, used to be a teacher.
Special case 2: if after shortening the verb becomes having then we change it to with, still not having then change to without.
For example:
Employees who have a C1 German Certificate will be given a raise.
→ Employees having a C1 German Certificate will be given a raise.
→ Employees with a C1 German Certificate will be given a raise.
People who don’t have their ID cards cannot get in the club.
→ People not having their ID cards cannot get in the club.
→ People without their ID cards cannot get in the club.
We can shorten it in the V-ed/V3 way in case the verb of the relative clause is in the form passive, meaning subject bag perform an action.
To shorten a relative clause, we omit the relative pronoun and the auxiliary verb to be, then keep the main verb in the V3/V-ed form.
For example:
Some of the phones which were sold last month are broken. → Some of the phones sold last month are broken.
How to shorten: Remove relative pronouns which + Remove auxiliary verb was + Keep it the same sold.
The man who was interviewed before me got hired. → The man interviewed before me got hired.
How to shorten: Remove relative pronouns who + Remove auxiliary verb was + Keep it the same interviewed.
They will throw away all the cakes that are not sold within the day. → They will throw away all the cakes not sold within the day.
How to shorten: Remove relative pronouns that + Remove auxiliary verb are + Keep the negative word intact not + Stay the same sold.The man interviewed before me got hired.
Only used when the noun has an article before it the with modifiers such as: ordinal numbers (first, second, last), superlative forms (youngest, best, biggest), from only, et cetera...
To shorten a relative clause, we omit the relative pronoun, then change the verb or auxiliary verb (if any) into the form To + Verb (to infinitive).
For example:
He is the youngest person who won the prize. → He is the youngest person to win the prize.
Short way: Omit relative pronouns who + verb movement won wall to win.
She is the first person who has completed the test. → She is the first person to have completed the test.
Short way: Omit the relative pronoun who + change auxiliary verb has wall to have + words completed keep stable.
He is the first person to win the prize.
- Used when the relative clause has the form: S + BE + NOUN / NOUN PHRASE / PREPOSITION PHRASE
- How to do: remove who, which and be.
For example:
- Eliminate relative pronouns and tobe
=> keep the following adjective intact
For example:
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