Effective method of self-studying English grammar

Effective method of self-studying English grammar

Grammar gradually becomes a "grit" in learning English for not only beginners but also those with a foundation in communication who have countless problems with it.

Self-studying English grammar seems to be an "impossible" task for people new to this global language. However, that is a wrong thought because if you know how to go in the right direction and study properly, newbies can still completely control their grammar. So what is the method to help us self-study English grammar? Englook Let's find out.

1. Learning tenses - Self-study method of English grammar

An interesting point about English is that tenses play an extremely important role, different from our Vietnamese language. Although there are also different tenses, they are not a key component in grammar. In this article, I will not show you what these times are like, I will show you how to "overcome" them. Although there are many tenses in English, they are basically made up of 3 main tenses: Past, present, future. So, to learn all of them, a little advice for readers is to draw a timeline summarizing the different schools. For example, you learn about the Present Simple tense, its variations include Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous,... put them in the same timeline to clearly distinguish them. than. In addition, to be able to both grasp and cope with the exercises in class, you should learn these tenses in 3 aspects: Structure, recognition signs, and usage. The structure we should learn in the form of affirmative, negative, and interrogative is the most basic structure in sentence patterns. Identification signs are usually adverbs and articles that only appear in the field of tenses. For example, in the present simple you will have usually, always,... which are adverbs of frequency - words that we rarely encounter in past or future tenses. The main usage is the timeline that you initially drew. The usage of tenses is mainly about time compared to the time of speaking. Readers need to be very focused on this to be able to self-study English grammar. .

2. Learning structures with words - Self-study method of English grammar

This part is quite simple.  All you need to do is pay attention to whether the verbs that go with them are usually regular V, V_ing or To V. However, there is no shortcut for this, because they do not follow any immutable rules. You can only learn them by "plowing". And to be able to master this part, you should take the trouble to read as many books, newspapers, and publications in English as possible. They will give you certain reflexes about grammar, because tangible publications are usually never grammatically incorrect, so you will see these structures repeated many times. Absolutely do not self-study English grammar through songs or communicate with foreigners, because that is a wrong decision. In songs, people often "deliberately" make grammatical mistakes to stylize the sound as well as create emphasis in the song. In communication, although not "intentionally", foreigners still often make grammatical mistakes because grammar is not only complicated for us, but even native speakers have problems with this.

Effective method of self-studying English grammar

3. Learning sentence structures - Self-study method of English grammar

This can be said to be the most difficult part when we self-study English grammar, because it is a smooth combination of tenses and word structure. You can only master this section by doing lots of exercises. However, mastering sentence structures will help your conversations with foreigners become richer and less boring. Some highly recommended book series are Longman, Cambirdge,... in Vietnamese that will help you improve your grammar. Readers can see more at Review of the best English grammar books. If you do this part well, you can completely master English grammar without any difficulty.

Effective method of self-studying English grammar

Above are 3 aspects of learning grammar and tips and methods to help readers self-study English grammar. If you follow the above tips well, you will be able to master grammar on your own without anyone's help.

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