English vocabulary based on clothing is one of the things you must know when learning a foreign language. Especially for those working in the fashion industry, this is even more important.
In addition, when you master this set of vocabulary, you can easily introduce yourself, your appearance, or talk about your or other people's interests. Let's Englook discover how to correctly name the topic of clothes!
Clothing is one of the most popular topics today. If you want to describe someone's outfit, you must clearly understand each type of accessory and clothing that person is using. If you are wondering about this, don't worry, because Englook will reveal to you the English vocabulary on the topic of Clothing in the most detailed and selective fashion.
Sneaker (sniːkə): Sports shoes
Slip on (slɪp ɒn): Sports loafers
Sandals (sændlz)
Boots (buːts)
Knee high boot (niː haɪ buːt)
Loafer (ˈləʊfə)
Clog (klɒg)
Stilettos (stɪˈlɛtəʊz): High-heeled shoes
Wedge boot (wɛʤ buːt)
Chunky heel (ˈʧʌŋki hiːl): Shoes and sandals with rough soles
Slippers (ˈslɪpəz): House slippers
Baseball cap (ˈbeɪsbɔːl ˈkæp)
Bucket hat (ˈbʌkɪt hæt)
Hat (hæt)
Beret (ˈbɛreɪ)
Baseball cap (ˈbeɪsbɔːl ˈkæp )
Fedora (fɪˈdəʊrə)
Mortar board (ˈmɔːtə bɔːd)
Top hat (tɒp hæ)
Jeans (ʤiːnz)
Top (tɒp)
Miniskirt (ˈmɪnɪskɜːt)
Dress (drɛs)
Trousers (ˈtraʊzəz)
Boxer shorts (ˈbɒksə ʃɔːts)
Shorts (ʃɔːts)
Underpants (ˈʌndəˌpænts): Men's underwear
Knickers (ˈnɪkəz): Women's underwear
Bra (brɑː): Women's undergarment
Dressing gown (ˈdrɛsɪŋ gaʊn)
Blouse (blaʊz): Women's shirt
Shirt (ʃɜːt)
Bikini (bɪˈkiːni)
Swimming Costume (ˈswɪmɪŋ ˈkɒstjuːm)
T-shirt (ˈtiːʃɜːt)
Pullover (pʊlˌəʊvə)
Jumper (ˈʤʌmpə)
Suit (sjuːt)
Jacket (ˈʤækɪt): Short coat
Anorak (ˈænəræk): Hooded coat
Leather jacket (ˈlɛðə ˈʤækɪt)
Overcoat (ˈəʊvəkəʊt)
Miniskirt (ˈmɪnɪskɜːt): Short skirt
Pajamas (pəˈʤɑːməz): Sleepwear
Raincoat (ˈreɪnkəʊt): Raincoat
Nightie (ˈnaɪti): Nightgown
Tights (taɪts)
Tracksuit (ˈtræks(j)uːt)
The list of English vocabulary on the topic of clothes is very long but easy to remember
Bracelet (breɪslɪt)
Earrings (ˈɪəˌrɪŋz)
Glasses (ˈglɑːsɪz)
Handbag (ˈhændbæg)
Piercing (ˈpɪəsɪŋ)
Necklace (ˈnɛklɪs)
Purse (pɜːs): Women's wallet
Sunglasses (ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz)
Ring (rɪŋ)
Watch (wɒʧ)
Size (saɪz)
Tight (taɪt)
Loose (luːs)
To take off (tuː teɪk ɒf)
To put on (tuː pʊt ɒn)
To get undressed (toː get ʌnˈdressed )
Zip (zɪp)
Button (ˈbʌtn)
Pocket (ˈpɒkɪt ): Pants pocket
Adidas: Many people pronounce “Adidas" To be "Uh-Dee-That” however this calling is not accurate. This brand name should be read as “Ah-dee-that”.
Hermes: The correct pronunciation of this brand name is “Air-mes" but not Heck or Homer you!
Givenchy: The exact pronunciation of this word is “she-von-she", however many people still pronounce it as "Gee-ven-chee" or "Gah-wine-head”
Louis Vuitton: There are many young people who pronounce the Louis Vuitton brand as “Lu-is Vut-ton” however its standard pronunciation is “Loo-ee Wwee-tahn”
Nike: The correct pronunciation of Nike is “Nai-key", do not read it as "Naik" Please!
To be able to remember English vocabulary On the topic of Clothes you need to practice regularly. Don't miss the sample sentences using the vocabulary below!
French girl is always considered as one of the symbols of classical style
A: Why is your sister wearing such a sexy short skirt?
B: Looks like she’s having a date tonight
White wedding dress is a must-have item for a bride on the wedding day.
She is very good at mixing clothes and shoes to create extremely stylish fashion.
Skirts will be a great suggestion for appointments
When going to work, meeting or meeting with partners, you can wear a jacket to show respect
Don’t forget to bring your swimwear when you go to the beach!Above, Englook introduced to you a set of English vocabulary based on clothing. It can be seen that clothes and accessories are the most common and popular items in life. That's why don't forget to save this vocabulary set to increase your vocabulary! Surely your vocabulary and communication ability will improve significantly.
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