Using prepositions is always a challenge for new English learners because there are so many rules and the usage changes constantly. For example, if you only talk about the month, you use the preposition “in” (in April), but if there is an additional day, you must use “on” (on 5th April).
For example:
I was born in November.
I like to go hiking in spring.
For example:
My mother will be on vacation in a few weeks.
I am going to see my best friend in a couple of days.
For example:
We arrived in time for the movie.
Use the preposition “At” for specific times
For example:
The movie starts at six o’clock.
My father goes to bed at 10:30.
My last class ends at two p.m.
In addition, “at” is also used to refer to a certain time of the year, such as special festivals.
For example:
I love the atmosphere at Cherry Blossom time.
The preposition “on” is used for specific days of the week:
For example:
On Monday, I am taking my dog for a run.
This preposition can also be used when referring to a day, month or a specific holiday:
For example:
On Christmas Day, my family goes to church.
The prepositional phrase “on time” means to arrive at a place or complete work on time and according to plan.
For example:
Make sure you come to work on time tomorrow.
Use the preposition “by” for time
For example:
I will finish work by seven o’clock.
This is a quite special case in the habits of native speakers. They will say “in the morning/afternoon/evening” but never “in the night”. Instead, they use the phrase “at night”.
For example:
Our daughter usually does yoga in the morning.
I don’t like to go out at night.
For example:
I’ll see you after class.
She bought that house before 1995.
I’ll see you after June.
The prepositions “since” and “for” are used to express length of time.
“Since” is used with a specific date or time, while “for” is used for a length of time.
For example:
We’ve lived in New York since 2021.
I’ve been working for three hours.
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