Things in English are familiar vocabulary that we use every day. If you are not confident that you read correctly, write correctly or are afraid that you will not remember the words after studying forever, please refer to the article below.
You see the abbreviation for something of the week but forget what it is? You see a very familiar word but don't remember the pronunciation? To remember how to write (full spelling & abbreviations) as well as how to read the names of the days of the week in English, Englook We would like to share with you a short, easy-to-memorize summary below!
Rank |
Things in English | Spelling | Abbreviate th in English |
Monday |
Monday | /ˈmʌn.deɪ/ | MON |
Tuesday | Tuesday | /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ | TUE |
Wednesday |
Wednesday |
/ˈwɛdənzdeɪ/ | WED |
Thursday |
Thursday | /ˈθɜːzdeɪ/ | THU |
Friday | Friday |
/ˈfɹaɪdeɪ/ |
Saturday |
Saturday |
/ˈsætədeɪ/ | SAT |
Sunday |
Sunday |
/ˈsʌndeɪ/ | SUN |
Outward remittance: Learn how to say the days of the week in standard English with the 3 notes below.
We use prepositions “On” before English days: On Saturday, On Tuesday,…
From Monday to Thursday in English is called: weekday
How to write English words with day, month and year: Day, month + day (serial number), year
How to write things in English
For example:
Friday, December 18th, 2020
When writing the days of the week in English, even when they stand alone or with the day or month, use the preposition "ON" before the days:
On Monday
On Tuesday
On Wednesday
On Thursday
On Friday
On Saturday
On Sunday
We can also use “every” before things:
Every Monday
Every Tuesday
Every Wednesday
Every Thursday
Every Friday
Every Saturday
Every Sunday
We all know that the biggest difference between British English and American English is vocabulary. However, it doesn't stop there, the way these two countries write days and months in English also has significant differences. Therefore, you need to clearly determine which country's standards you are following to avoid confusion during the learning process.
British: DD – MM – YYYY | American: MM – DD – YYYY |
The Twentieth of November, 2020 | November the Twentieth, 2020 |
20th November 2020 | November 20th, 2020 |
20 November 2020 | November 20, 2020 |
20/11/2020 | 11/20/2020 |
20/11/20 | 11/20/20 |
The most commonly used delimiter in date formats is the slash (/). However, you can also use a hyphen (-) or a period (.).3. How to ask about things in EnglishThings in English are very popular and common topics in everyday communication. You need to firmly grasp how to ask about things to communicate more confidently!
How to ask about things in English
What day is it?
Reply: It is +
For example:
A: What day is it?
B: It’s Thursday.
Things in English are vocabulary words that are used frequently in everyday life. Memorizing and knowing how to apply sentence patterns in specific contexts helps you communicate more fluently when you need to mention things in English. Here are some common situations where things in English are used:
For example:
For example:
For example:
Phrases related to English days:
Days of the week (usually from Monday to Sunday)
Weekdays (mainly Monday to Friday)
Weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
A week tomorrow: tomorrow will be 1 week
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