Currently, in addition to qualifications and experience, English has become a recruitment criterion for many companies and businesses. When you have good English, you have many advantages over the remaining candidates.
In order not to "lose points" in the eyes of employers, Englook Please share useful English phrases to help you prepare well for your interview.
When interviewing, the employer is finding out whether you will be a good fit or not a good fit for their current team. So this is your time to show them who you are and why you're a great person to work with. Here are some adjectives to use:
- Easy-going: Comfortable, easy to get along with.
- Hard-working: Hardworking, not lazy.
- Committed: Loyal to a project or someone.
- Trustworthy: Reliable, can be relied on.
- Honest: Be honest, always tell the truth.
- Focused: Concentrated, not easily distracted.
- Methodical: Have a reasonable working method.
- Proactive: Proactive, always taking steps to complete tasks without supervision.
For example:
If you want to emphasize a certain characteristic more, you can use words like "very", "extremely", "really". Such as"I'm very trustworthy" or "I'm an extremely focused employee".
Employers also want to know what you are strong at and why because the job you are applying for requires certain skills. Some positives that managers want to look for include:
- Organization: Organizational skills.
- The ability to multitask: Ability to multitask (solve multiple tasks).
- Perform to a deadline: Meet deadlines.
- Solve problems: Problem solving.
- Communicate well: Good communication.
- Work in an international environment and with people from all over the world
- Speak foreign languages
- Enthusiasm: Enthusiastic, passionate.
You can use some phrases like: "I'm good at" , "I'm skilled at multitasking / working under pressure"
If you have worked in a few places before applying for a job here, depending on the job position you are applying for, you can use some of the structures below to describe your experience:
- I have five years experience as a teacher
- I worked in retail for seven years and was promoted to manager in my second year: I worked in retail for 7 years and was promoted to manager in my second year.
- I studied at the University of …
- I worked for… as a lawyer
Work experience may already be mentioned on your CV, but you should also take the opportunity at the interview to discuss what's on it and provide the employer with more details.
Maybe you want to do this job because you want to gain more experience in your field, learn a specific skill, believe you're a great fit for the company, or especially respect them. The following expressions may help you:
- I'm looking to further my skills as a childcare worker
- I'm want to further my career in physiotherapy
- I believe your company is an important player in its industry
- I feel my skills set is a perfect fit for your team and I can contribute by...
Try to show the employer that you are truly capable and suitable for the position they need. Of course, you shouldn't exaggerate.
The most important thing in every interview is to be confident. And to be confident when answering common interview questions in English, you need to practice more and improve your professional vocabulary. So, don't forget to practice English every day!
In addition, to best prepare for a job interview in English, you can pre-participate in a 1-on-1 English course, specializing in business topics and job interviews. This course will equip you with the foundation knowledge to write a beautiful CV, how to answer interview questions in English professionally, build a confident image in the eyes of employers...
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