Why is it so difficult for Vietnamese people to spell English?

Why is it so difficult for Vietnamese people to spell English?

Both are Latin letters, but English letters are read into many sounds and one sound can be written in many ways, so Vietnamese people have a harder time learning to read English.

Spelling is the most important step when learning Vietnamese pronunciation. Vietnamese has its own rules to help everyone communicate fluently in the common language of the nation.

English also has certain rules for spelling, so English has many differences between writing and pronunciation.

The first difference is that one word can be read as many sounds.

For example: The letter “s” in the word “sign” has the /s/ sound, in the word “pleasure” the /ʒ/ sound, in “resign” the /z/ sound, and in “pressure” the /ʃ/ sound. Therefore, if you simply look at the letters to spell, Vietnamese people can easily confuse the reading method when reading.

Why is it so difficult for Vietnamese people to spell English?

The second noticeable difference is that in English one sound can be written in many ways.

For example: /i/ sound in the words “sEE”, “sEA”, “scEne”, recEIve”, thIEf, “amOEba” or “machIne”.

The reason English is difficult to spell is that sometimes a letter represents a combination of sounds

For example: in “exit” (the “x” is pronounced /ks/) or use (the “u” is pronounced /ju/). This phenomenon, especially with the letter "x", often makes learners confused or confused in pronunciation.

And the last reason some words in English are not pronounced at all

For example: KnoW, douBt, thouGH, iSland, climB.

Why is it so difficult for Vietnamese people to spell English?

In Vietnam, Vietnamese people all make "incorrect" pronunciation mistakes. Even Vietnamese English teachers when learning and pronouncing this language sometimes cannot "standard" like native speakers.

The simplest way to spell and pronounce Western standards from the beginning is that learning in a native environment is the only key to success.

Wishing you to become fluent in English soon!

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